What are Response Codes?
When a search engine or website visitor makes a request to a web server, a three-digit HTTP Response Status Code is returned. This code indicates what is about to happen.
List of Status Codes And Error Messages:-
200-Success code for GET/HEAD
201- Success code for POST
204 - Success code for delete
400- request body error
401- expired/invalid session
403- Request refused
404- Resource not found
500- internal server error request not completed
200 OK:-
One of the most widely used HTTP status codes, status code 200 OK is used to indicate that a request was received, processed, and was successful.
201- Success code for POST:-
A 201 Created status code is like a 200 OK status code, however, a 201 status code means that a request was successfully processed, returned, or created, a resource or resources in the process.
204 - Success code for delete:-
A status code of 204 No Content indicates that the response has been successfully delivered by the server and fulfilled and no further content is to be sent in the body of the response
400- request body error:-
A 400 Bad Request error status code means that the server cannot process the request due to an issue from the client.
401- expired/invalid session :-
A 401 Unauthorized error status code indicates that the request does not include the appropriate authentication credentials, authentication has failed, or the user must log in.
403- Request refused:-
The 403 Forbidden error status code indicates that the request from the client was understood, but the server will not authorize it, so the client cannot access it.
404- Resource not found:-
One of the most common and infamous status codes encountered by users and developers, the 404 Not Found error status code indicates that the resource required from the server does not exist or is not willing to provide it to the client.
500- internal server error request not completed:-
The 500 Internal Server Error status code simply means that the server encountered an issue and cannot process the request.
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