As you know most of the guys about JS here are some tips for the filter the falsy value in the array
There are 7 falsy values in JavaScript – false, zero (0), BigInt (0n), empty string ("", '', ``), null, undefined, and NaN. An array in JavaScript permits all types of falsy values. There are several methods to filter falsy values from an array, which are covered below:
1 2 | // falsy value here 0, undefined, null , '', NaN, false |
1 2 3 4 5 | // define an array var arr = [ 0, 1, '' , undefined, false , 2, undefined, null , 3, NaN ]; // filter the arr let result= arr.filter(Boolean); // print result under the console console.log(result); |
1 2 | /* OutPut:- [1, 2, 3]
*/ |